SVN via WebDAV over HTTPS notes

Many guides exist for setting up a subversion server using WebDAV through HTTPS (on Apache on Ubuntu), such as this one (which also includes other access methods of your subversion repositories):

After installing the plugins, it was time to copy over a repository from an existing machine (such as an old Windows XP computer) to the new location (such as an Ubuntu box). Using the svnadmin command, dump the existing repo and put the output to a file. It is important to note that if the output gets dumped to the terminal, all sorts of human and non human characters will be written to the terminal. If you have an internal speaker, some of those nonhuman characters will cause it to beep loudly and often for a long time.
The command for the svn dump looks like this:
svnadmin dump _PATH_TO_YOUR_REPO > _DUMP_FILE_
svnadmin dump C:\repo\myProject > myProject.dump

As each revision is dumped, it is reported to the screen.

Copy this file to the new machine (or somewhere as accessable) and load it to the empty repository. Don’t forget that to load into a repository, you will need to have created one using the “svnadmin create” command.
“svnadmin load” takes input from stdin, so cat that dump file and pipe it in. This looks like:
cat _DUMP_FILE_ | svnadmin load _PATH_TO_NEW_REPO_
cat /tmp/myProject.dump | svnadmin load /svn/repos/myProject

If all goes well, you’re repository should now be loaded, and accessable on that machine.

Misc pointers:
1. Don’t set the DocumentRoot of the HTTPS virtual server to be the same as your repo. Anyone will be able to then see your repo (even if you have “Require valid-user”)
2. Make sure the “Listen 443″ is really “Listen 443 https” in ports.conf (or where the Listen directives are). If that is not set, you may see an error.